Mack Law Firm

September 18, 2016

An Exclusive Live Interview with Florida Trial and Appellate Attorney Jacqulyn Mack

Revealing the Hidden Secrets of Securitized Trust Presented by Gary Dubin “Hawaii attorney Gary Dubin and co-host [former Hawaii Governor] John Waihee present An Exclusive LIVE Interview with Florida Trial Attorney Jacqulyn Mack Revealing the Hidden Secrets of Securitized Trusts.” Read More – Link directs to an outside site, The Foreclosure Hour. Please listen below. […]
September 7, 2016

Teen Court: Sarasota’s Best Unintentionally Kept Secret

This could be your child | A story about Teen Court – I was recently asked by a local publication to write a piece on Teen Court and have been struggling to figure out just how to convey such a powerful program to you (the reader) in a concise amount of words. I currently practice […]
August 27, 2015

“Besides pertaining to some field of law, what do foreclosures and murder have in common?”

“Besides pertaining to some field of law, what do foreclosures and murder have in common?” So here is a question that should upset a lot of you out there: “Besides pertaining to some field of law, what do foreclosures and murder have in common?” I will refrain from answering this for at least one paragraph, […]
July 17, 2015

When Airbags Attack

When Airbags Attack After the past several months, one would be forgiven for believing that the worst is behind General Motors. After the ignition defects that plagued GM model vehicles for the past decade, there was no fathomable way that things could get worse. So, while in search of some other car-making that is producing […]
June 19, 2015

Florida policies needlessly derail young lives, fill prison cells

Florida policies needlessly derail young lives, fill prison cells by Tania Galloni, Managing Attorney – Florida Susana Marino knew she couldn’t let her facial expression change.She was listening to her 16-year-old son recount his experience in Florida’s Pasco County Jail. Showing shock or horror might cause him to shut down – and she needed to […]